How do I get an idea of how much my book is worth?
Dear Virginia:
I am looking for
some advice about valuing signed books.
As you probably know
Iain M Banks recently passed
About three years ago, I
was lucky enough to get a ticket to a book signing, and so, being in
love with the Culture novels and having bought them all previously
second hand, I bought the whole collection brand new and was
delighted when Mr Banks agreed to sign them all!
Now, I have
no intention of selling my much loved collection. But, I think it
would be nice to have an idea of their value.
Do you have any idea or know where I could find out?
Virginia Replies:
Dear Ashley:
It's a good idea to do this kind of
research! I would suggest a couple of things - 1) check out
It's a nice site of about 5,000 booksellers. You can familiarize
yourself with the book grading and conditions and get a good idea of
where your book would fit in the pack. 2) I recommend
CollectorZ (see the Accessory page on our site) as a way to keep tabs
on your inventory. It's reasonable priced and you can notate
what you originally paid for the book, as well as where you obtained
it. Insurance guys really love this application. It comes
with a hand scanner (shoot the ISBN numbers off the jacket) and very
reasonably priced!
Ask John at: [email protected]