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VJ Books Presents Author Vince Flynn!

Author Vince FlynnVince Flynn (1966 - 2013) was born in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1966.He graduated from the St. Thomas Academy in 1984, and the University of St. Thomas with a degree in economics in 1988.

John shares his thoughts about Vince Flynn, Mitch Rapp, and Kyle Mills:

"Vince Flynn was one of our favorites and a good friend to us, and his death, while not a total surprise, was quite a blow. Vince was diagnosed several years ago with stage four prostrate cancer, and had lived longer than most of those whose received such a diagnosis.

While the loss of such a talent is tragic - personally I felt like I had lost two friends, Vince Flynn and Mitch Rapp.

I am a junkie for hard guy spy thrillers and Mitt Rapp resides in my own special community that includes Jack Reacher (Lee Child), Dewey Andreas (Ben Coes), Bob Lee Swagger (Stephen Hunter), Karen Vail (Alan Jacobson) and Robin Monarch (Mark Sullivan) - to name a few.

I met Kyle Mills (who penned Survivor), back when he released his first novel. That novel, Phoenix Rising, had the back cover bearing a full page endorsement by Tom Clancy. Clancy and Kyle's dad (who happened to be the head of Interpol), were close friends. So knowing Kyle and his work, I found him to be a perfect candidate to keep the Mitch Rapp series moving forward.

Survivor should really be called The Last Man Part Deux, as it picks up right where Vince Flynn's last book ended. it moves forward with the same characters, pacing, dialogue and action that became a hallmark of the Vince Flynn series. Kyle Mills does a excellent job of feeding the Rapp fans what they missed after Flynn's untimely death.

I would be surprised if you are disappointed. Personally, I expect much more from the operative who seems to make his own rules, keeping us all safe, while our government leaders sit on their hands as the threats grow greater - day by day."

Like many struggling artists before him, he bartended at night and wrote during the day. Five years and more than sixty rejection letters later he took the unusual step of self-publishing his first novel, Term Limits. Within one week, Flynn had a new agent and two-book deal with Pocket Books.

Term Limits hit the New York Times bestseller list in paperback and started a trend for all of Flynn's novels. Since then, his books have become perennial bestsellers in both paperback and hardcover, and he has become known for his research and prescient warnings about the rise of Islamic Radical Fundamentalism and terrorism. You can find a collection of Vince Flynn signed books below this author biography.

After Flynn's death, the Vince Flynn Estate chose author Kyle Mills to continue the Mitch Rapp series.

Vince Flynn Book List
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Similar authors: David Baldacci, Lee Child, Kyle Mills, Brad Thor
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Vince Flynn's Enemy of the State
Signed First Edition

Vince Flynn's Enemy of the State by Kyle Mills

Vince Flynn's Order ot Kill
Signed First Edition

Vince Flynn's Order to Kill by Kyle Mills

Vince Flynn's The Survivor
Signed First Edition

Vince Flynn's The Survivor by Kyle Mills

The Last Man
Signed First Edition

The Last Man by Vince Flynn

Kill Shot
Signed First Edition

Kill Shot by Vince Flynn

American Assassin
Signed First Edition

American Assassin by Vince Flynn
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Kyle Mills Takes On the Mitch Rapp Series

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Vince Flynn Bibliography

Mitch Rapp Series

  1. Transfer of Power - 1999
  2. The Third Option - 2000
  3. Separation of Power - 2001
  4. Executive Power - 2002
  5. Memorial Day - 2004
  6. Consent to Kill - 2005
  7. Act of Treason - 2006
  8. Protect and Defend - 2007
  9. Extreme Measures - 2008
  10. Pursuit of Honor - 2009
  11. American Assassin - 2010
  12. Vince Flynn's Collector's Edition Trilogy: Term Limits, Transfer of Power, and The Third Option - 2010
  13. Vince Flynn's Collector's Edition Trilogy: Extreme Measures, Pursuit of Honor, and American Assassin - 2011
  14. Vince Flynn's Collector's Edition Trilogy: Consent to Kill, Act of Treason, and Protect and Defend - 2011
  15. Kill Shot - 2012
  16. Last Man - 2012
  17. Vince Flynn's The Survivor - 2015 (completed by author Kyle Mills)
  18. Vince Flynn's Order to Kill - October 2016 (by Kyle Mills)
  19. Vince Flynn's Enemy of the State (by Kyle Mills)

Other Novels

  • Term Limits - 1997

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