See all titles by Norb Vonnegut.In a world that moves as fast as finance does, top producers have to
think three steps ahead and make snap decisions. Theirs is a blurred
version of reality, one that conceals moves as much as it rewards the
bold ones. All too easily, scams can be disguised as success; plotting
can be mistaken for killer instincts. And as Grove O’Rourke finds out,
“Nothing obscures vulnerability like success. Nothing that is, except
for friendships.”
But this book isn’t about stocks and
bonds—it’s about people. About Grove O’Rourke, top producer at the
investment firm of Sachs, Kidder, and Carnegie, and about his best
friend, Charlie Kelemen, whose spectacular murder is carried out in
front of hundreds of horrified party-goers at the opening of the novel.
It’s about Charlie’s widow, who comes to Grove for help after her
husband’s death, even though she’s hiding a dark secret. And it’s about
how money—vast sums of money—can cover up even the most glaring imper
fections in relationships, and fool everyone.
almost everyone. With the ease of someone who has lived in the world of
top producers, NorbVonnegut has crafted a sharp, dark thriller that
will make you think—and then double-check your investments.