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John Meets Up with Bestselling Author Michael Connelly in Portland!

Author Michael Connelly Signs The Black Box in Portland OregonMichael Connelly met with us last Friday to sign copies of his latest Harry Bosch mystery, The Black Box. It was a family affair as Brittany and Mitchell joined John for the event, keeping the books moving as Michael signed stack after stack.

It's hard to believe that 20 years have slipped away since Michael signed those first copies of Black Echo for us. Michael shared his displeasure for the now famous "blue band" on Black Echo (a must have for collectors) and how he tore them off whenever he got his hands on them. He also talked about how his UK publisher was going to pulp 900 of the 1,700 copies of Black Echo that were printed, and that when he was offered them, he took 'a box." That edition is now worth between $2500-$3000.

20 years and 25 books later both Michael and John are a little grayer, and a little more traveled. 'Til next Michael, "thanks for the ride!"

Best, John