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Talking with Grant Blackwood
Blackwood 2Grant BlackwoodGrant Blackwood

When Grant Blackwood was selected to co-author Clive Cussler's series featuring Sam and Remi Fargo I couldn't have been more pleased. I was already a fan of Grant's seriously hooked on his Briggs Tanner stories, my favorite being The Wall of Night.
I talked to Grant recently about the second Fargo book, The Lost Empire (due out in September). However, the big news on the Grant Blackwood front is another book he co-wrote with, none other than, Tom Clancy.
Yes, Grant has co-authored with Tom Clancy the first new Jack Ryan thriller in many years. Dead or Alive brings together such favorite characters as Jack Ryan and John Clark, a thriller set in the post-Sept. 11 age of terrorism. Look for this title in December.
Our congratulations to Grant. We'd sure like to see a new Briggs Tanner, but its seems like his calendar is pretty full!
Learn more about Grant Blackwood and see his all of his books here.